Sunday 25 August 2013

20 Random Facts About Me

I'm a very shy person and very quiet when meeting new people, but when I feel comfortable you can't get me to stop talking.

2. I have a huge fear of spiders, bugs and snakes.

3. Tying in with no.2 this is going to sound really odd but I have a pet bearded dragon and I think he's the best pet ever. All he ever wants to do is cuddle up and go to sleep.

4. I've been in a relationship for about 4 and a half years.

5. I've never known what I've wanted to do with my life and still don't.

6. I have Black hair but I'm naturally a dark Blonde.

7. I don't drive but I really need to start.( As I get told that everyday from my boyfriend.)

8. Right now I'm in love with the show Breaking Bad. How have I not heard about this before, I'm only on season 3.

9.My favourite time of the year is the build up to Christmas. 

10. I hate summer. Well only the English summers.

11. My favourite place to go on holiday is Tenerife.

12. I could spend all day reading and not know how much time has past.

13. I have a bad addiction to red bull. 

14. Saturday nights for me are ( that's if I'm not going out for drinks) playing games on the playstation. Resident evil 5 is my favourite. 

15.  I'm always on Pinterest. 

16.  I will always have my iPhone or my iPad with me. 

17.  I have two sisters. One older than me by 2 and a half years and one younger than me by 6 years. 

18. I have one nephew who I absolutely love. He's 5 in October. 

19. I sit and watch YouTube every single day. 

20. I'm not a sweet tooth at all. Give me a bag of chrips over a chocolate bar any day. 

Hope you're having a lovely bank holiday weekend.
Thank you so much for reading this. It's taken me so long to think of this many facts about me. And I was going to do 50! What was I thinking. Here's some photos 


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